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August 2017 Edition of Hina Digest is now available to read online or download.Hina Digest is a famous Urdu digest which contains novels by famous writers, Short stories, Novels and Afsane. It is most favorite magazine of women of all ages.It is popular not only in Pakistan but also in India,UK,USA,Australia,Canada etc.
Short Summary of August 2017 Edition is as follow:-
Silslewar Novel:-
Parbat kay Us Paar Kahin By Nayab Jillani Episode 30
Dil Guzeeda By Umm E Marayam By Episode 21
Mii Raqsam By Bushra Siyal
Basraat Main By Sabas Gul
En Lamhon Kay Daman Main By Mubushra Ansaari
Mukamal Novel:-
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Bas Ik Kasak Baqi He By Tabinda Javaid
Chand Gulab Baqi He By Ramsha Ahmad
Zeest Ki Rani Ba Sana Kanwal Episode 2
Daaira By Seema Bint E Asim
Aseer By Sadaf Asif
Aagahi AIk Pal By Rabia Imran Chaudhary
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This E Book Is Available in HD Quality for both desktop and mobile users with a low size we keep our quality which is our identification.
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Last Updated:- 03-06-2018
M Waseem Anwar
Student of finance with deep interest in tech and software's, I am content writer , working on business proposal, business profiles and business plans. Paksociety is my younger age work and I am still giving this child my time.