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Peer-e-Kamil by Umaira Ahmad

Read and download Peer-e-Kamil by Umaira Ahmad(New Print)


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This is story of Imama Hashim , who belongs to an Ahmadiyya Muslim family, She was living in Islamabad, She converted to Actual Islam after being inspired By her friends, She attended different lectures on Islam without telling her family, Imama married Salar, her neighbor in order to save her life and to run from her home, She faced many difficulties after running from her house, What is more? You can find out by Purchasing Hard Copy of this beautiful Novel.

This book had been published by “Feroz Sons” However Now as Umera Ahmad Opened her own Publishing House which is “Alif Kitab” We can see this Novel in new shape for her own publishing House.


Due to some technical reasons , no download link of Peer E Kamil is available at the moment.

We are trying to bring all of Umera Ahmads’s books to be purchased online, However till yet we are not offering such service.

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Mehak mahar
March 27, 2018 01:10
BESTEST NOVEL I'VE EVER READ?. It's sooo touching that i can't in words. Umera ahmed is my favourite writer she is an inspiration . No doubt per e kamil is master piece and my favorite novel. It's match less and omg SALAR ?* sighs * I'm in love this guy he is soo cool . Imama and salar's couple is phenomenal their chemistry is just great. I've read this novel for like 6 timesand trust me i never get bored once it's THAT great ??
November 9, 2017 17:47
candy azu
September 15, 2017 15:28
Marvellous novel I've ever read. No match of it in the world of novels. It really portraits the reality of life.
October 29, 2016 21:38
Annie !!!!!!!!!!! Tum mujhe btao ki konsa NAVEL sachai se bhara hota hi ??????????? Writer Autobiography bhi without bakwaas nhi likhta. shayad aap NAVEL ke definition nhi Jante.
Annie from uk
October 4, 2016 17:25
Bilkul bakwaas aor jhoot se bhara hua he

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